

Training Programs

Global SHI leading the advance of international statistics.

Global SHI  leading the advance of international statistics.


홈 > Training Programs > Programs

01.Professional education in statistics
Train professional human resources of statistics through lecture on theory and practical business and practice with packages
For officials of National Statistical Office
Quality control of statistics, administration control of statistics, the beginner's statistical theory and practice, deepening of economic statistics, deepening of social statistics, etc.
For officials of local statistical offices
Statistical development plan, interview skill for survey, practical business for managers of economic and social department, etc.
For the organizations that draw up statistics
Practical business of local statistics, design theory of questionnaires, understanding of financial statements, etc.
For officials related with statistics and public
Practical business of survey, explanation of industry / occupation classification, basis of statistics and use, etc. Data analytic process by SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.
02.Training for statistics users
Course to understand statistics accurately and raise practical ability to use them
  • Statistics class for children, statistics academy for juniors
  • Hold contests of practical use of statistics for children and juniors (all the year round)
03.Training for statistics users
Course to understand statistics accurately and raise practical ability to use them
  • Excel, VB macro programming, Powerpoint, Access etc.
04.Courses for foreigners
Promote the internationalization of statistical training collaborating with international statistical organizations and Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA)
  • SIAP : Regional training course on SDG Indicators, Big data statistics etc.
  • KOICA : Capacity development for Population and Agriculture statistics etc.
05.Entrusted Courses on demand
Offer progressive training-service through consume-centered education
  • Custom-made statistics by organizations, information-oriented education, etc.
06.E-learning courses
Provide trainees with study opportunity without time limit
For officials of National Statistical Office
Guidebook for economically productive population survey, Guidebook for survey of farm families' economics, classification of occupation etc.
For officials related with statistics and public
Statistics-oriented way of thinking, statistical analysis with SPSS, understanding of regression analysis, etc..
Video streaming education
Statistics lectures for general public, etc.
